"Cultivating Gratitude" with Alex M this Sunday

November 24, 2023

"Cultivating Gratitude" with Alex M this Sunday

Dear Community,

Happy Thanksgiving and Native American Heritage Day to you all! This time of year, as we transition into the relative closeness of the winter months, is a wonderful time to recognize the history of the land, people, and conditions that led to this moment in your life, to reflect on the year that is coming to a close, and to look ahead to the next. We are grateful to have you in our community, whether you join us weekly or scan our emails occasionally. May you and your loved ones experience peace and ease.

Sunday 10am Community Practice & Discussion

This Sunday Alex M. will be facilitating our weekly community practice and discussion.  

Last week, Jean discussed the relationship between gratitude and kindness. Recognizing our interconnectedness is essential to gratitude practice, as we consider that what we are grateful for often arises from another's kindness. What's more, this gratitude can grow to recognize that the kind actions of others arise from a place of ease and groundedness.

Phillip Moffitt describes this knowing as "Selfless Gratitude": "Gratitude for the grace of conscious embodiment evolves into the practice of selfless gratitude, in which your concerns slowly but surely shift from being mostly about yourself and those close to you to being about all living beings. As this occurs, you need less and less in the way of good fortune. It becomes enough that there are those who are happy, who are receiving love, who are safe, and who have a promising future. It is not that you would not prefer good things for yourself, but your sense of well-being is no longer contingent on external circumstances. You are able to rejoice that amidst all life’s suffering there exists joy."

This Sunday we will practice connecting to gratitude for what is easeful and joyful in our own lives, and gratitude for the good fortune of others. We hope you will join to share your good fortune, and to benefit from the good fortune of our broader community.

Everyone is welcomed. Registration and Zoom information available here.

With metta,
Minneapolis Insight