Sunday, 8/6: Paramis - Energy with Alex M

August 4, 2023

Sunday, 8/6: Paramis - Energy with Alex M

Dear Community,

Sunday 10am Community Practice & Discussion with Alex Meyers

During our Full Moon gathering this week, Jane led some experiential practices for balancing energy in the body. This Sunday, we'll continue our exploration of energy through its role as the fifth parami.

In Parami: Ways to Cross Life's Floods by Ajahn Succito, he summarizes skillful energy as having four applications:

1) To put aside what is unhelpful

2) Guarding the mind against these unhelpful tendencies arising again

3) Identifying what is helpful

4) Supporting and encouraging these skillful influences, so they remain and expand in the mind and heart.

In order to have access to balanced energy to encourage any of these skillful actions, we have to learn how our habits and choices affect the energetic qualities of our minds, hearts, and bodies. As you prepare to join us Sunday, consider how you feel energy in the body. How do you relate to low- or high-energy moments? What effect does your energy have on your ability to pursue the wise applications above?

We look forward to exploring the practice with you!

Registration and Zoom information available here.

With metta,
Minneapolis Insight